We all remember, Brett Favre, he of Brett Favre Wants to Get Tacky fame. Well it turns out he's found himself in a bit of a Good News/Bad News scenario.
First, the bad news, because everyone always starts with the bad: Brett Favre's consecutive starts streak is over as 297.
The good news however is not that you can currently purchase your very own Brett Favre Signed and Inscribed 297 Start Football for only $500. Instead, WikiChristmasLeaks is delightted to report that it has obtained wxclusive additional text (picture) messages indicating Brett has gotten his hands on an exclusive Tacky Christmas Party invitation. It should be noted that showing up in the jersey of your division rival when everyone expects you to be a Packer for life might not be considered tacky enough. A throwback Packers jersey just might do it though.

***Sources have also indicated that Washington Redskins placekicker Graham Gano would like to attend, but the official stance here at WikiChristmasLeaks is not to be surprised if he misses it.
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